Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4380

Wenckebach Periods


Wenckebach Periods: Description, Symptoms and Treatment Wenckebach periods, also known as first-degree AV block, are a cardiac conduction disorder in which delays in impu ...

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Degree of Relationship (Section 30 Order, Parental Order)


According to the law adopted under the Agreement on Assisted Fertilization and Embryology of 1990, married couples can be considered the legal parents of a child born to ...

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Terminal hematuria


Terminal hematuria (lat. h. terminalis, from lat. terminalis - final; synonym - terminal hematuria) is a type of hematuria in which blood appears in the urine at the end ...

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Reflex of the Quadriceps Thigh Muscle


The quadriceps femoris reflex (r. musculi quadricipitis femoris) is one of the most frequently studied tendon reflexes. It allows you to evaluate the function of the moto ...

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Pancreatography is a method of x-ray examination of the pancreas. The essence of the method is that a contrast agent is injected into the pancreatic duct through a duoden ...

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Quarantine: what is it and why is it needed? Quarantine is a temporary restriction on the movement of people and goods established to prevent the spread of infectious dis ...

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Psychoorthopedics: what is it and how does it help people? Psychoorthopedics is a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment and correction of disorders in the deve ...

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Cardiac Stimulation Synchronous


Synchronous Cardiac Stimulation: Definition and Application Synchronous cardiac stimulation (S.s.) is a method of medical intervention in which the supply of an electrica ...

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Neuromyelitis Optica, Devic S Disease


Neuromyelitis of the optic nerve, also known as Devic's disease, is a rare but serious disease of the central nervous system. This disease is closely related to multiple ...

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Proliferative Pool


Proliferative Pool: Measuring Reproduction in Populations In the world of biology and cell science, there are many concepts and metrics used to study various aspects of t ...

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