Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4395

Tobacco Cells


Touton cells were first described in 1858 by German dermatologist Karl Touton. These are specialized cells that are found in the dermis of human skin. Tuton cells play an ...

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In anatomy, a bifurcation is the point at which a division into two branches occurs, such as blood vessels or the trachea. When an artery or vein reaches a bifurcation, i ...

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Little spiny follicular Lichen decalvans


Little spiny follicular lichen decalvans - (e. g. g. little, 1867-1950, English dermatologist) is a rare skin disease characterized by the appearance of small spiny rashe ...

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Hypothenar (hypothenar, pna, bna, jna; hypo- + Greek thenar palm) - the area of ​​the palm of the hand, located at the base of the little finger. The hypotenar consists o ...

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Viscera- (Viscera-)


Viscera- is a medical prefix that denotes internal organs. It comes from the Latin word "viscera", which means "insides". The prefix viscero- is used to form compounds re ...

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Artery Thoracic Highest


Thoracic Artery Highest: Anatomy and Functions The Superior Thoracic Artery is one of the main arteries of the chest. It arises from the lateral surface of the first sect ...

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Bernstein Membrane Theory


Bernstein Membrane Theory: A Brief Review Bernstein's membrane theory is one of the main theories describing the functioning of the nervous system. This theory was develo ...

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Mitchell's Disease


Mitchell's disease: history and symptoms Mitchell's disease is a neurological disease that is named after the American neurologist Silas Mitchell (1829-1914), who first d ...

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Inductography - (inducto- + Greek grapho write, depict) a non-destructive testing method based on recording changes in the magnetic flux in a controlled product as it mov ...

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Hallermann-Streiff-Francois Syndrome


Hallermann-Streiff-Francois syndrome Hallermann-Streiff-François syndrome (also known as mandibulo-oculofacial dysmorphia) is a rare hereditary disorder characterized by ...

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