Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4396

Forensic Medical Examination Report


Forensic Medical Examination Report: what is it and what is its role in the investigation process? The Forensic Medical Examination Act (FME) is an important document in ...

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Digestion Intestinal


Intestinal digestion: how food is processed in the small and large intestines Digestion is a complex process that begins in the oral cavity and includes various stages of ...

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Halle Endonasal Frontal Sinus Surgery (M. Halle)


Halle endonasal surgery on the frontal sinus (M. Halle): features and application Halle endonasal surgery on the frontal sinus (M. Halle) is a surgical procedure that is ...

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Pharmacy Field Filter


Pharmacy Field Filter: a fast and effective means for purifying medicinal solutions in the field Preparing pharmaceuticals in the field can be challenging, especially whe ...

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Vomerovaginal Canal


Vomerovaginal canal: structure and functions The vomerovaginal canal, also known as canalis vomerovaginalis, canalis basipharyngeus or basipharyngeal canal, is an anatomi ...

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Enzyme Constitutive


A constitutive enzyme is an enzyme that is present in a cell of a given type constantly and in almost constant quantities. Constitutive enzymes are synthesized by the cel ...

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Hepatoomentophrenopexy: Attaching the omentum and diaphragm for surgical intervention Hepatoomentophrenopexy is a surgical procedure that attaches the omentum (omentum) t ...

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Dacryocyst - what is it and what problems can it cause? Dacryocyst is a medical term used to refer to diseases of the lacrimal ducts. It comes from the Greek words dakryo ...

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Keratosis Follicular Subulate


Keratosis Follicular Subulate: causes, symptoms and treatment Keratosis follicular subulate, also known as k. follicularis spinulosa is a rare skin disease that manifests ...

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Accommodation Reaction, Convergence Reaction


The accommodation response and the convergence response are two interrelated reflexes that allow the eyes to focus on objects located at different distances. The accommod ...

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