Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4404

Injection Ciliary


Ciliary injection (i. ciliaris; synonym: i. deep, i. pericorneal, i. episcleral) is the introduction of medications directly into the ciliary body of the eye. This type o ...

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Iridoplegia is a pathological condition of the iris in which its mobility and ability to contract are impaired. The causes of iridoplegia can be different. Most often, th ...

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Diabetes Symptom


Sucker's sign is a clinical symptom described by American endocrinologist Jack Richard Sucker in 1926. Suker's symptom is characterized by the appearance of bruises in th ...

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Wilson Leads


Wilson leads Wilson leads (also known as Wilson leads) are one of the standard leads used in electrocardiography. They are named after the American cardiologist Frank Nor ...

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Implementer of Radioactive Needles


"Introducer of Radioactive Needles: Innovative Method of Cancer Treatment" A radioactive needle inserter is a medical device that is used to insert radioactive needles in ...

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System Nervous Autonomic


The autonomic nervous system, also known as the autonomic or visceral nervous system, plays an important role in regulating the internal organs and systems of the body. T ...

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Parasite carriage Malarial Secondary


Secondary malarial parasite carriage: what is it and how to fight it? Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium, transmitted through the bite of a mosquito. H ...

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Yod-Basedow: what is it and what are its causes? Yod-Basedow is one of the forms of hyperthyroidism, which develops as a result of excessive introduction of iodine into t ...

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Meteorability: what is it and how does it affect the weather? Meteorolability is the ability of the atmosphere to quickly change its parameters under the influence of ext ...

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Marcus Gunn Phenomenon


Marcus Gunn phenomenon is a neurological symptom characterized by the inability to lift the eyelid on the affected side while maintaining eyeball movements. This symptom ...

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