Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4405



Intracranial (from Latin intra - inside and cranium - skull) is a term denoting the location of structures or processes inside the skull. The skull is a bony frame that s ...

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Diagnosis, Diagnostics


Diagnosis is the process of determining the nature of a disease by taking into account objective and subjective signs (symptoms) of the disease, medical history and, if n ...

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Korsakovsky Psychosis


Korsakov psychosis Korsakoff psychosis is a chronic mental disorder that develops as a result of prolonged alcohol abuse. The main symptoms of Korsakoff psychosis: Memo ...

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Microsonation (Microsonation)


Microsonation is a method of visualizing internal tissues and organs based on the use of ultrasound waves generated inside the human body from an extremely weak source. I ...

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Hydroxy acids


Hydroxy acids are carboxylic acids containing one or more hydroxyl groups in the molecule. They are intermediate products of the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates ...

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Pribram's Disease


Pribram's disease Pribram's disease (postgastroenterostomy syndrome) is a disease described by the Austrian surgeon Victor Otto Pribram in 1914. It is characterized by th ...

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Well Shakhtny


Shaft well: what is it and how does it work? The Shakhtny well is a type of well, which is a vertical shaft designed primarily for collecting water from underground sourc ...

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A vectorballistocardiogram is a type of electrocardiogram that records the electrical activity of the heart using several electrodes placed on the chest in different dire ...

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Poroscopy: what is it and how does it work? Poroscopy is a new research method that allows you to assess a person’s health based on hair analysis. The name of the method ...

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Tryparsamide: an effective drug against trypanosomiasis Trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, is a serious infectious disease caused by protozoan microorganis ...

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