Microsonation is a method of visualizing internal tissues and organs based on the use of ultrasound waves generated inside the human body from an extremely weak source.
In microsonation, a very thin needle or capsule is inserted into the tissue as a source of ultrasound. These devices generate low-power ultrasonic vibrations that spread to surrounding tissue. When ultrasound interacts with tissue, it is partially reflected, which is recorded by a special sensor.
By analyzing the characteristics of reflected waves, it is possible to obtain a detailed image of the structure and properties of nearby tissues and organs. Compared to traditional ultrasound, microsonation allows for significantly higher image resolution by using a wave source in close proximity to the area being examined.
Thus, microsonation is a promising imaging method for accurately diagnosing the condition of human internal organs and tissues. It can find wide application in medicine for the early detection of various pathologies.
Microsonation or Microsonation is an imaging technique that uses ultrasound waves generated inside the human body to produce clear images of the structure of nearby tissues. This method is a type of ultrasound or ultrasonography and can be used to diagnose various diseases such as tumors, cysts and other growths.
Microsonation uses a very weak source of ultrasound waves, such as the tip of a needle or a capsule inserted into the tissue. These sources can be located in various parts of the body, including the head, neck, chest, abdomen and extremities. Ultrasound waves are transmitted through tissue and reflected from structures found in the body.
The resulting image allows you to see the structure of neighboring tissues and detect possible changes that may indicate the presence of a disease. Microsonation can be used to diagnose cancer, cysts, abscesses, as well as to assess the condition of blood vessels and other structures in the body.
Microsonation is a safe and non-invasive research method that does not require the introduction of any instruments or equipment into the body. It can be used as an adjunct to other diagnostic methods such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.
In conclusion, microsonation is a new imaging technique that uses ultrasound waves to obtain clear and precise images of surrounding tissue structure. This method can be useful for diagnosing various diseases and improving the quality of treatment.
Microsonation is a very weak source of ultrasound that can emanate from the human body - as a result of generation from low-frequency frequencies, imperceptible to the human ear, to peak frequencies of 22 MHz and higher. **In medicine, microsonation is used to study not only the brain, but also other organs.**
The basic principle of operation is the distribution of sound waves that cannot be felt by the human ear at the level of ultra-high sound frequencies. Already 4-10 kHz form a stream of air, which poses a threat to the hearing organs. Below this level the sound will not be heard by anyone. Only sometimes does weak vibration appear when we are talking about a noise level that exceeds the critical frequency of 20 dB. Therefore, it is believed that sound below 20 kHz is inaudible, and ultrasound with a frequency greater than 20 GHz can create