Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4406

Диафиз (Diaphysis)


Diaphysis is the central part (body) of a long (tubular) bone. The diaphysis is located between the two epiphyses and makes up the bulk of the length of the bone. It has ...

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Osteotomy is a surgical operation that involves cutting a bone into two parts so that its ends can be properly connected. This surgery is performed to relieve pain and st ...

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Mondonesi Symptom


Mondonesi Symptom: what is it and how to recognize it The Mondonesi symptom, also known as the bulbofacial tonic symptom, was named after the modern Italian physician Fra ...

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Reflex Palatopalpebral


Palatopalpebral reflex: Function and Mechanisms of Operation The Palatopalpebral reflex, also known as the Gutmann reflex, is one of many reflexes that control eye moveme ...

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Perilymphatic Space


Perilymphatic space: anatomy, functions and pathologies The perilymphatic space (spatium perilymphaticum) is an area inside the inner ear filled with perilymph, the fluid ...

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Attrition: what is it and how does it affect dental health Abrasion, or attrition, in dentistry means wear of the surface of the teeth under the influence of the opposite ...

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Heterochromatic: a review of the features and causes of this phenomenon Heterochromatic is a term that describes a pattern of eye coloration in which a person has one eye ...

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Epithelium is the tissue that covers the outer surface of the body and lines its hollow structures, excluding blood and lymphatic vessels. The epithelium separates the bo ...

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Conjunctivitis Catarrhal Chronic


Chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye, which is of a protracted, recurrent nature. Reasons for development: Frequent exacerba ...

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Miliana White Atrophy


Miliana White Atrophy: description, symptoms and treatment Miliana alba atrophy is a rare skin disorder described by French dermatologist Georges Milian in 1916. This dis ...

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