Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4424

Posterior metatarsal veins


Veins Metatarsal Dorsal: Anatomy and Role in Blood Circulation The dorsal metatarsal veins are an important component of the blood circulation of the human lower extremit ...

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Pica Ideatatory Apraxia


Pica ideational apraxia is a disorder in which a person is unable to carry out an intentional action, despite intact motor functions. This disorder was first described by ...

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Mendel-Bekhterev Symptom


Mendel-Bekhterev symptom Mendel-Bekhterev symptom is a neurological symptom described by German neurologist Karl Mendel and Russian neurologist and psychiatrist Vladimir ...

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Duodenotomy is a surgical operation in which an incision is made in the wall of the duodenum (lat. duodenum) to gain access to its lumen. The operation can be performed f ...

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Brucellosis bovine type


Brucellosis bovine type is an etiological variant of brucellosis caused by the bacterium Brucella abortus. This type of brucellosis occurs in people who have contact with ...

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Masticationography (from the Latin masticatio - chewing and the Greek grapho - to write, depict) is a method of studying the process of chewing and swallowing food using ...

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Microdissection, Microdissection


Microdissection is the process of separating small structures while examining them microscopically. Using miniature surgical instruments, such as glass scalpels, various ...

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The sterno-clavicular-mammary region


The sternocleidomastoid region is located in the upper part of the anterior surface of the neck. It is bounded above by the lower edge of the lower jaw, below by the jugu ...

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Francois Corneal Dystrophy


Francois Corneal Dystrophy: Description, Symptoms and Treatment Francois Corneal Dystrophy, also known as familial mottled corneal dystrophy, is a rare inherited disease ...

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Fontanelle Sphenoid


Wedge-shaped fontanel: description, characteristics and application The wedge-shaped fontanel (lat. f. sphenoidalis, pna, bna; f. sphenoideus, jna) is an anatomical struc ...

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