
Masticationography (from the Latin masticatio - chewing and the Greek grapho - to write, depict) is a method of studying the process of chewing and swallowing food using special instruments.

During mastication, sensors are used that are attached to the chin, lips and cheeks of the subject. These sensors record the movements of the lower jaw, lips and cheeks during chewing and swallowing food. The received data is processed by a computer and converted into a graphic image - a masticogram.

Analysis of masticograms allows us to evaluate the characteristics of the chewing process: the force of jaw compression, the frequency of chewing movements, the speed of movement of the food bolus, the time of chewing and swallowing. These indicators may differ in healthy people and in various dental and neurological diseases.

Thus, masticationography is an important diagnostic method that allows you to objectively assess the functioning of the masticatory apparatus and identify disturbances in the process of chewing and swallowing food. This data is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and choose the correct treatment tactics for the patient.

Masticationography: study of chewing function

Masticography is a method for studying chewing function, which is used to analyze the functioning of the maxillofacial area. The term comes from the Latin word masticatio, which means chewing, and the Greek word grapho, which translates to writing or depicting.

Masticography is carried out using a special device - a mastic analyzer. This device is a plate that the patient must place in the mouth and chew on it. During chewing, the plate records data on the strength of the chewing movement, the time spent chewing, as well as the coordination of jaw movements.

Masticography allows you to assess the effectiveness of the patient’s chewing function and identify possible disturbances in the functioning of the maxillofacial area. This research method can be useful in the diagnosis of diseases associated with masticatory function, such as temporomandibular disorders, gum or dental diseases, as well as in preparation for dental prosthetics.

Masticography can also be used to determine the optimal shape and size of dentures that will most effectively perform the chewing function.

In general, masticationography is an important method for diagnosing and treating diseases of the maxillofacial region, which allows us to obtain additional information about chewing function and coordination of jaw movements. It can be useful both for patients who have chewing problems and for dentists and podiatrists who treat these problems.