Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4479

Paralysis of the Self


Self paralysis is a psychopathological symptom characterized by a loss of a sense of personal identity. With ego paralysis, a person ceases to be aware of himself as an i ...

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Ventriculocavostomy (from Latin ventriculus - ventricle and vena cava - vena cava + ancient Greek stoma - hole) is an operation consisting of creating a communication bet ...

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Joints Interphalangeal Hands and Feet [A. Interphalangeae Manus (Pedis), Pna, Bna; A. Digitorum Manus (Pedis), Jna]


interphalangeal joints of the hand and foot [a. interphalangeae manus (pedis), pna, bna; a. digitorum manus (pedis), jna] - block-shaped S., formed by the heads and bases ...

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Mesenchymoma Bone


Bone mesenchymoma: what is it and how to treat it? Bone mesenchymoma is a rare type of tumor arising from mesenchymal cells that can differentiate into various tissue typ ...

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Angela's Symptom


Angelescu Symptom: Description, Diagnosis and Treatment Angelescu symptom is a medical term that was named after the Romanian surgeon S. Angelescu (1869-1948). This sympt ...

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Anaerobic Division


Anaerobic Department: Isolation and treatment of wounded with anaerobic infection The anaerobic department is an important functional unit of a medical institution, speci ...

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Ankylosing spondylitis-Marie-Foy Reflex


Ankylosing spondylitis-Marie-Foy reflex: History of discovery and modern understanding The Bekhterev-Marie-Foy reflex is a neurological reflex that was first described in ...

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O Nong Nong virus


O Nyong-Nyong virus is a virus from the genus of alpha viruses, the togavirus family. Belongs to the ecological group of arboviruses. It is the causative agent of the O N ...

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Physostigmine, Eserine


Physostigmine and Eserine are parasympathomimetic drugs that are used primarily to constrict the pupils of the eye and reduce elevated intraocular pressure in glaucoma. B ...

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Celiacography is an x-ray method for studying the celiac trunk and its branches, based on their contrast. The celiac trunk arises from the abdominal aorta and divides int ...

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