Physostigmine, Eserine

Physostigmine and Eserine are parasympathomimetic drugs that are used primarily to constrict the pupils of the eye and reduce elevated intraocular pressure in glaucoma. Both drugs can be given by injection, eye drops, or ointment.

Physostigmine and Eserine are inhibitors of cholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that transmits impulses in the nervous system. This causes acetylcholine levels to increase in the body, resulting in parasympathetic effects.

One of the main uses of physostigmine and Ezerine is in the treatment of glaucoma, a disease in which increased intraocular pressure can damage the optic nerve. Both drugs reduce pressure inside the eye, reduce the likelihood of developing glaucomatous lesions and preserve vision.

However, physostigmine and Ezerine may also have side effects. Some patients may experience digestive problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. There may also be increased salivation, which may be uncomfortable for patients.

In addition, physostigmine and Ezerine may cause other side effects such as eye pain, headache, dizziness, red eyes, or visual disturbances. If any undesirable manifestations occur, you should consult a doctor.

Overall, physostigmine and Ezerine are important drugs for the treatment of glaucoma. Despite possible side effects, these drugs are effective and safe when used correctly and under medical supervision.

Physostigmine, Eserine - parasympathomimetic drug; It is used mainly to narrow the pupils of the eye and reduce increased intraocular pressure in glaucoma. May be given by injection, eye drops, or ointment; Possible side effects include digestive problems and increased salivation.

Various drugs are widely used in medicine, including drugs based on phosphorus-containing compounds. The active ingredient of these drugs is riboflavin (vitamin B2), and to increase the effectiveness of treatment, magnesium hydrogen orthophosphate (magnesium phosphate) is added to this substance. Medicines based on this are of two types - eye drops and tablets. All water-based products are available without a prescription, while those that are alcohol-based must be sold with a prescription only. It is not always possible to use such drugs on your own; it is better to seek advice from your doctor.

**Physiostigmine salicylate (Physostigmic acid)** is available in the form of a solution in injection ampoules with a dispensing duration of 4 ampoules for 7 days. The same product can be produced in capsules in bottles for a period of use - for 6 months. The drug is used to treat glaucoma - this is its neurohormonal (cardiac) form, which occurs with an increase in intraocular tension. The medicine is also used when it is necessary to stop or suspend involutional age-related changes in the retina. In addition, the drug is used to improve central vision in open-angle glaucoma, after refractive surgery by correction with a phakic lens. Children are most often prescribed as eye drops - under the age of