
Spermaturia is the release of sperm from the genital tract along with urine. The disease can be caused by inflammation of the prostate, testicles, seminal vesicles, urethra or bladder. Also, the reason for the release of sperm can be injury to the ureter. Most often, the problem occurs in men aged 45-55 years.

Symptoms of spermaturia and pathology

The main symptoms of the disorder may be pain in the bladder area, pain when urinating, change in the color of urine, admixture of sperm in it, and deterioration in general condition. The presence of sperm in the urine can lead to frequent urge to urinate, followed by pain. Sometimes sperm is only partially released, but this alone is enough to cause concern - often this becomes the first sign of prostatitis. The release of sperm along with urine after sexual intercourse is another significant manifestation of the disease. If you suspect such a symptom, be sure to visit a doctor.