Perseverative Thinking

Perseverative thinking is a phenomenon where a person continues to think about a topic despite the fact that it does not make sense or does not fit the situation. This may be due to the fact that the person cannot switch to another topic or that he does not understand that he needs to change his point of view.

Perseverative thinking can cause a person to continue to think about something even if it doesn't make any sense. This can lead to wasted time and energy, as well as problems communicating with other people.

To avoid perseverative thinking, you need to learn to switch attention and be able to analyze information. It is also useful to develop critical thinking and the ability to listen to other people.

Overall, perseverative thinking can be a problem, but it can be controlled by learning how to think and analyze information correctly.

Perseverative thinking is one of the most common disorders of cognitive functioning, which is characterized by insufficient flexibility of thinking and difficulties in switching attention. The term perseveration of thinking means the predominance of one thought over all others, reaching obsessive states. Perseverates have a strong reluctance to switch their thought process to another object or situation. They are also characterized by extreme tension in thinking and the appearance of a feeling of mental fatigue. At the same time, they often give original answers to the questions asked. It is difficult for them to start work again after finishing it, if they are distracted and irritated by external factors, interrupting the previous train of thoughts, this only increases the inertia of thinking. Thinking becomes more rigid, the same actions are often repeated. For example, when it is difficult to navigate the terrain, requiring knowledge of the nearest streets. As a result, a person cannot carry out this activity without outside help, for example, enter a gate, find the road in the right direction, etc. This difficulty, however, disappears if a person overcomes an unfamiliar space, getting used to a new order of actions, or analyzes his experience and compares it with existing knowledge.