Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4478

Bouclei Method


Bookley method The Boucley method was proposed by the American dentist James P. Boucley in the early 20th century. It was used to treat fractures of the lower jaw and con ...

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Iridocapsulotomy: Surgery to treat cataracts Iridocapsulotomy is one of the surgical procedures used to treat cataracts, a disease characterized by clouding of the lens o ...

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Яд(-Ы) (Poison, Poison)


A poison is a substance that causes poisoning or death when ingested in small quantities. Poisons have been known to mankind since ancient times. They were widely used fo ...

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Inlet - an opening leading into a cavity, for example, into the pelvic cavity. An entrance is an opening through which something can enter an object or structure. The mos ...

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Codon Equivalent


Equivalent codons are codons of different composition that encode the inclusion of the same amino acid in a polypeptide chain. In the genetic code, many amino acids are c ...

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Sulfosalicylic Acid


Sulfosalicylic acid: application in the determination of proteins in biological fluids Sulfosalicylic acid is a derivative of benzoic acid and is widely used for the dete ...

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Mizoneism (from the Greek words "mizo" - hatred and "neos" - new) is a negative attitude towards new ideas, methods or technologies. Misoneistic people tend to avoid and ...

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Pregnancy Ectopic


Ectopic Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous condition in which the fertilized egg does not settle in the uterine cavity, but attach ...

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Nephroangiosclerosis is a kidney disease that is characterized by a gradual decrease in blood flow to the kidneys due to damage to their blood vessels. As a rule, this oc ...

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Miescher-Storka syndrome


**Mischer-Stohrock syndrome** is a rare hereditary autosomal dominant multisystem and multifocal degenerative process with autoimmune components, directed against its ...

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