
Mizoneism (from the Greek words "mizo" - hatred and "neos" - new) is a negative attitude towards new ideas, methods or technologies.

Misoneistic people tend to avoid and reject everything new, preferring to remain committed to old, proven ideas and methods. They are suspicious and distrustful of any innovation, fearing that it will destroy the usual order of things.

Misoneism is often associated with conservatism and adherence to tradition. Misoneists believe that old ways are better than new ones, and innovations only spoil and destroy everything good that came before. They resist change and strive to maintain the status quo.

In some cases, misoneism can hinder the progress and modernization of society. However, in moderate doses, it helps preserve valuable traditions and critically evaluate new ideas, weeding out potentially harmful or dangerous ones.

Misokeism is a relatively new religious doctrine that is quickly gaining popularity throughout the world. It is a spiritual path aimed at developing spiritual well-being and personal growth while remaining in harmony with the world around us. Misokeism is based on the concept of spirituality, which states that all living beings carry within themselves a divine spark that must be developed in order to achieve enlightenment and harmony with oneself and the world.

Misoceists call for spiritual freedom, respect for the environment, and tolerance of other people. They believe that peace and harmony within themselves and around them is what every person should strive for.

The term “misoceism” was coined by American priest Michael Mison in 1987. He also wrote the book “Misonaya