Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4483

Voino-Yasenetsky Operation


Voino-Yasenetsky operation is a surgical operation developed by the outstanding Soviet surgeon Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky (1877-1961). V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky ma ...

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Dabin-Johnson Syndrome


Dubin-Johnson syndrome Dabin-Johnson syndrome is a rare hereditary disease characterized by impaired transport of bile pigments in hepatocytes. Main symptoms: Increased ...

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Metacentric: Description and application of the term in genetics In the field of genetics, there are many terms that help classify and describe chromosomes. One such term ...

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Planimetric Ruler


Planimetric ruler: what is it and how to use it A planimetric ruler is a tool used to measure distances on a plane. It consists of a straight line with divisions on it. E ...

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Thalamus, Optic tubercle (Thalamus, Pl. Thalami)


Thalamus, Visual Horn (Thalamus, Pl. Thalami): role in the perception and processing of sensory information The thalamus is a paired structure of the diencephalon, ovoid ...

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Percussion Direct


Direct percussion Direct percussion is a research method in which tapping with one or more fingers is performed directly on the surface of the body. When performing percu ...

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Finkelburg Cremasteric Reflex


Finkelburg Cremasteric Reflex: what is it and how does it work? Finkelburg Cremasteric Reflex is a physiological reflex that causes a tightening of the testicle and a sli ...

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Mongolian spots


Mongolian Spots: A Mysterious Phenomenon on the Skin of Newborns Mongolian spots, or Ultin Gagatai spots, are dark blue spots that can appear in newborns in the area of ​ ...

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Fluorocardiometry [Luoro(Graphy) + Greek. Kardia Heart + Metreo Measure, Determine]


Fluorocardiometry [luoro(graphy) + Greek. kardia heart + metreo measure, determine] - determination of the linear dimensions and volume of the heart based on the analysis ...

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Lambotta Method


The Lambotta technique (also known as Lambotta bone suture) is a surgical technique for repairing bone fractures using metal staples, wires, or screws. This method was de ...

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