Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4566

Goldenhar Syndrome


Goldenhar syndrome: features of manifestation and treatment Goldenhar syndrome, also known as oculoauriculovertebral syndrome or primary mandibulofacial dysostosis syndro ...

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Ectomy: what is it and how is it used? An ectomy is a medical procedure that involves removing tissue or an organ from a patient's body. The term comes from the Greek wor ...

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Nosoareal (from noso- and lat. arealis - “area, space”) is the area of ​​distribution of any disease. In other words, this is the territory in which cases of this disease ...

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Radiography Screenless


Screenless radiography is radiography performed without the use of an intensifying screen. Screenless radiography is performed without the use of a special intensifying s ...

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A cistron is a small region on a DNA or RNA molecule that encodes the synthesis of messenger or transfer RNA. It is the basic unit of genetic information necessary for th ...

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Miscarriage Habitual


Habitual miscarriage (abortus habitualis) is one of the most common complications of pregnancy. It is characterized by repeated pregnancy losses up to 20 weeks and can ha ...

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A disease is any deterioration in health that has its own cause, as well as recognizable objective and subjective signs (symptoms). The disease can manifest itself in the ...

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Ulnar Process (Olecranon Process)


The Ulnar Process (Olecranon Process) is an important anatomical structure located on the ulna bone. This massive process extends from the upper epiphysis posteriorly and ...

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Cystadenoma Papillary Proliferating Serous


Papillary proliferating serous cystadenoma (serosum proliferans papillare) is a rare benign ovarian neoplasm related to serous tumors. It is characterized by the presence ...

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Dermatovenerological Help


Dermatovenerological care is specialized treatment and preventive care for patients suffering from skin and venereal diseases. Skin diseases include various dermatitis, e ...

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