
Nosoareal (from noso- and lat. arealis - “area, space”) is the area of ​​distribution of any disease. In other words, this is the territory in which cases of this disease have been registered.

The concept of “nosoarea” is closely related to epidemiology and the study of the epidemic process. Determining the nosoarea is important for understanding the characteristics of the spread of infection and developing measures to combat it.

As a rule, in the structure of the nosoarea there are foci where the disease is constantly recorded, and areas where it occurs sporadically. The nosoarea can change over time under the influence of various factors - environmental conditions, population migration, anti-epidemic measures and others.

Thus, nosoarea is an important concept in epidemiology, characterizing the territorial features of the spread of a particular disease. Its study is necessary for organizing effective fight against infectious diseases.

Nozoareals (lat. nozo- arealis, arial - zone or region):

- A territory, most often a locality and even a city, allocated on all plans for epidemiological research or special study for a specific epidemiological process. - Part of the territory surveyed or subject to