Zeleynik 1

Zeleynik is the traditional name of the plant, which is used in Slavic and many other folk traditions. It has several names, such as stork, Mother of God grass, Mother of God, woman's borok, matryona, mother daisy. In some regions of Russia, this plant is also called simply borogorshchina.

The main characteristic of the green grass is its flowers. They are quite large and can reach a diameter of up to 5 cm. They are usually bright pink or white. The greenery of this plant is quite thick and dense. In addition, it has a long stem that can reach a height of up to 3 meters.

This plant usually grows along roads or other open areas. It takes root easily and can become a serious obstacle to the movement of people and vehicles. However, due to its medicinal properties, green grass is respected by traditional healers.

One of the most common uses of the plant is to use it to brew herbal tea. To do this, you need to collect the green parts of the stems and leaves and pour boiling water over them. The finished tea has a pleasant aroma and also has many beneficial properties. It helps strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, ease breathing, elevate mood and reduce fatigue.

In addition, green grass can be used as an additive to salads and side dishes. Crushed parts of plants can be added to many dishes to give them an unusual taste and additional effect. You can also use green tea for cosmetic purposes, applying it to your skin and hair to improve skin condition and strengthen hair.

However, the use of any medicinal plants is potentially dangerous, as they can cause allergic reactions or other health problems. Therefore, you should not use green tea yourself without consulting a doctor. It is also necessary to remember that the plant can be dangerous for pets, so you need to ensure that they do not come into contact with it.