Electric scissors

Electric scissors are a surgical instrument that is used to bloodlessly separate soft tissue. They work by applying high-frequency electric current to tissue, which avoids bleeding and reduces surgery time.

The operating principle of electric scissors is based on the use of a generator that supplies electric current to two working surfaces of the tool, located in the form of scissors. The current passes through the blades and affects the tissue, causing it to contract and separate.

Electric scissors are widely used in surgery to separate tissue during operations on blood vessels, nerves, soft tissues and other organs. They allow operations to be performed with minimal risk of bleeding and tissue damage, which improves treatment results and reduces patient recovery time.

One of the main advantages of electric scissors is their safety for patients. They do not require the use of hemostatic agents and do not cause pain to patients, making them more comfortable for patients than traditional instruments.

However, the use of electric scissors requires certain training and skills from the surgeon. They must be adjusted correctly and used with care to avoid tissue damage or burns. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the patient’s tissues and select the optimal mode of operation of the instrument to achieve the best results.

Overall, electric scissors are an effective and safe tool for soft tissue surgery that can significantly reduce surgical times and improve patient outcomes. However, to achieve the best results, the instrument must be set up correctly and used with care and consideration of the patient's tissue.

**Electric scissors** is a surgical device for separating soft tissue without hemorrhage by applying electric current. Its operating principle is to separate tissues using two parts of the tool, placed in the form of scissor-shaped handles.

The main feature of electric scissors is the ability to separate soft tissues, bones and cartilage without damage or coagulation. This allows operations to be performed with minimal pain and while preserving healthy tissue. High frequency electric current is supplied to the working surfaces of the electric shears from electric generators.

**The use of electric scissors allows you to:**

* quickly and efficiently dissect biological tissues for the convenience of further research and necessary surgical procedures; * lower