Cystadenoma Papillary Proliferating Serous

Papillary proliferating serous cystadenoma (serosum proliferans papillare) is a rare benign ovarian neoplasm related to serous tumors. It is characterized by the presence of multiple papillary growths in the cyst cavity, lined with single-row cubic or columnar epithelium.

Clinically manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness. Diagnosed by ultrasound, CT, MRI in the form of a cystic formation of the ovary with the presence of internal growths.

The main method of treatment is surgical - removal of the affected ovary (adnexectomy) with histological examination. The prognosis is favorable, relapses are rare.

The name **cystadenopapillary proliferative serous tumor** indicates its main characteristic feature - a large accumulation of glandular cells in the thickness of the myomatous node from paraurethral tissue. The tumor is caused by heteroplastic proliferation of endocervical cells in women who have regular sexual intercourse, and is a cystic formation with a dense membrane. Papillary proliferative serous cystadenomas have an unpredictable course and require regular monitoring and decisions on further treatment tactics.

Cystadenocarcinoma of the breast is a malignancy associated with the prevascular inner lining of the cyst (PVIC). PABC lesions are not unique to cystic tumors and are present in normal breasts but do not usually present as cysts due to the small number of PABC cysts or their nonmalignant origin. It is worth mentioning that PABC has negative prognostic signs: it represents a focus of grade II and III mammary dysplasia in accordance with the new histological classification.