Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4572

Triploid [Pu- + (Poly)Ploi]


A triploid is a polyploid in which each cell contains three complete haploid sets of chromosomes instead of two, like a diploid. Thus, a triploid has 3n chromosomes, wher ...

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White plates of the cerebellum


The lamina alba of the cerebellum, also known as laminae albae, lamina medullares (bna), and lamina nucleus (jna), is an important anatomical structure in the human brain ...

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Medical Intelligence


Medical intelligence Medical intelligence is a set of activities aimed at collecting information about factors affecting the health and medical care of military personnel ...

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Vitropression: technology for creating glass products Vitropression is a technology for creating glass products that has been used in industry for more than half a centur ...

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Riley-Day Syndrome (S. M. Riley; R. L. Day; Syn. Riley-Day Familial Autonomic Dysfunction)


Riley-Day Syndrome: an inherited combination of symptoms Riley-Day syndrome, also known as Familial Autonomic Dysfunction, is an inherited syndrome that is characterized ...

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Paralysis Bulbar Progressive


Progressive bulbar palsy (lat. paralysis bulbaris progressiva) is a severe neurological disease characterized by progressive damage to the nuclei of the cranial nerves of ...

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Intrachromosomal Exchange


Intrachromosomal exchange is a structural rearrangement within one chromosome that occurs as a result of multiple chromosome or chromatid breaks. This process can lead to ...

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Aflatoxins are metabolic products of fungi of the genus Aspergillus (Aspergillus flavus, etc.), which have a toxic effect on the liver. Aflatoxins are formed when food is ...

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Porokeratosis Palmoplantar Papillary


Palmoplantar papillary porokeratosis: causes, symptoms and treatment Palmar-plantar papillary porokeratosis (porokeratosis papillomatosa palmaris et plantaris) is a rare ...

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Ballisto Cardiographic Attachment


A ballistocardiographic attachment (also called a ballistocardiographic sensor) is a device used in medicine to record mechanical vibrations that occur on the surface of ...

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