Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4648

Muscle Hand Dorsal Interosseous


Hand muscle: Dorsal interosseous Muscles play an important role in the motor function of our body, providing strength and control during various movements. One of the key ...

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Papillocarcinoma: symptoms, causes and treatment Papillocarcinoma is a malignant tumor that forms in epithelial tissue. It is most often found in the head and neck area, ...

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Amilorrhea: what is it and how to treat it Amilorrhea is a medical term that means the leakage or secretion of starch through the skin. It can occur as a result of variou ...

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Rheogram: what is it and how to use it A rheogram is a functional diagnostic method used to measure the electrical activity of muscles. It is based on measuring the chang ...

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Larva Migrans


Larva Migrans: Dangerous Disease Caused by Parasites Larva migrans is a disease that is caused by parasites known as helminths. These parasites can infect people and anim ...

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Cytopodia: what are they and why are they needed? Cytopodia are an important component of the cells of many organisms. These are the long, thin projections of the cell th ...

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Furunculosis (Furunculosis)


Furunculosis is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of one or more boils. Boils are pustules that are usually caused by a bacterial infection of the species St ...

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Wedge-shaped Tubercle [Tuberculurncuneiforme, Pna, Jna; Tuberculum Cuneiforme (Wrisbergi), Bna; Syn. Vrisberg Bugoro]


Wedge-shaped tubercle: anatomical element in the posterior part of the aryepiglottic fold The wedge-shaped tubercle (tuberculurncuneiforme) is a thickening in the posteri ...

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Rubeosis Diabetic


Diabetic rubeosis (rubeosis diabetica; lat. rubeo - to be red, blush + -oz) is a pathological condition of the blood vessels of the eye, developing against the background ...

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Manning- (Manning-), Meningo- (Meningo-)


Mening- (Mening-), Meningo- (Meningo-) - a prefix denoting the membranes of the brain. These prefixes are used in medical terms related to the meninges. For example: Me ...

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