Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4649



A Falloposcope is a narrow, flexible fiberoptic endoscope that is used to examine the inside of the fallopian tubes. Falloposcopy is an important procedure for diagnosing ...

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Budesonide (Budesonide)


Budesonide is a corticosteroid medicine used as a nasal spray to treat hay fever or as an inhalation for asthma. It is also used in the form of a cream or ointment to tre ...

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Ennebera Symptom


Henneber Symptom: What is it and how does it affect ear health? Hennebert's sign is a medical term that describes a deviation in the function of the vestibular apparatus ...

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Extension device


An extension device (from the Latin extensio - pulling, stretching) is a medical device designed to gradually stretch the spine and influence the intervertebral discs in ...

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Symptom Neurological Primary


Symptom Neurological Primary: Understanding the signs of the nervous system Neurological primary symptom is a general term used to describe signs of nervous system dysfun ...

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Goldfedera Operation


Goldfeder operation: what is it and how is it performed? Goldfeder surgery is one of the methods for treating strabismus, which was developed by the Soviet ophthalmologis ...

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Megaloblast (Megaloblasf)


Megaloblast is a type of cell that has an abnormal shape and is the precursor of red blood cells. They are characterized by their unusually large size and content of imma ...

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-Meter (-Meter)


Meter (-Meter) Meter is a suffix denoting a device for measuring any quantity. For example, the word "perimeter" contains the suffix "-meter" and means a device for measu ...

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Cystoileoplasty is a surgical procedure in which part of the ileum is used to create a new bladder or to increase the capacity of an existing bladder. This operation can ...

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Hemispherectomy: an operation that can save lives, but leaves some consequences A hemispherectomy is the surgical removal of one of the hemispheres of the brain. This is ...

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