
Cystoileoplasty is a surgical procedure in which part of the ileum is used to create a new bladder or to increase the capacity of an existing bladder.

This operation can be performed for various conditions, such as congenital anomalies of the bladder, decreased bladder capacity after partial cystectomy, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, etc.

During surgery, the surgeon separates a piece of the ileum, preserving its blood supply. This segment is then connected to the rest of the bladder or used to create a completely new reservoir.

Cystoileoplasty can increase bladder capacity and improve urinary control. If the surgery is successful, the patient can accumulate and store a larger volume of urine for a longer period of time. Recovery from this type of surgery takes 4 to 6 weeks.

Cystoileoplasty - (cystoplasty; Greek kystis bladder + ἰλεῖον ileum + plastic surgical correction of intestinal defects), one of the types of intestinal plastic surgery performed for damage to the perineal region in men. Included in the section of surgical science “Urology” along with uroplasty and hemostatics (for