Larva Migrans

Larva Migrans: Dangerous Disease Caused by Parasites

Larva migrans is a disease that is caused by parasites known as helminths. These parasites can infect people and animals, causing a variety of symptoms. The larvae of these helminths can enter the human body through the skin or mouth, which leads to the development of larval migratory skin allergy, also known as recurrent pruritus.

Larva migrans can be caused by different types of helminths, but the most common are Ancylostoma braziliense and Ancylostoma caninum. These parasites are usually acquired in dogs and cats, which can be a source of infection.

Symptoms of larva migrans include itching and redness of the skin, as well as painful rashes that may appear on the skin. In some cases, parasites can invade human organs and cause serious health problems such as liver or lung damage.

Treatment for larva migrans usually involves the use of antiparasitic drugs such as albendazole or ivermectin. These medications kill parasites and help prevent the infection from spreading further. In cases where the infection has become severe, surgery may be required.

To prevent infection with Larva migrans, precautions must be taken. This includes avoiding contact with soil or sand, which may be infested with parasites, and regularly disinfecting areas where animals live.

Larva migrans is a serious disease that can lead to serious health problems. However, with proper treatment and precautions, it is possible to prevent contracting this infection. If you suspect a Larva migrans infection, contact your doctor for advice and treatment.