Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4662

Sarcoma Periosteal Ossifying


Periosteal Ossifying Sarcoma: Understanding and Treatment Periosteal ossificans sarcoma (s. periostale ossificans) is a rare type of tumor that affects the bones and conn ...

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Old vegetarians


Old vegetarians: why do they choose a plant-based diet? Old vegetarians are people who exclude all animal products from their diet, including dairy products, eggs and hon ...

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A ventriculoscope is a medical instrument that is used to examine the ventricles of the brain. The name of this instrument comes from the Latin word "ventriculus" - ventr ...

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Axillary Line Middle


Middle axillary line: anatomical features and significance The axillary line media, also known as linea axillaris media or axillary line media, is an anatomical line that ...

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Grigoriev-Rapoport Reaction


The Grigoriev-Rapoport reaction is a skin test developed by Soviet dermatologists P.S. Grigoriev and M.M. Rapoport for the diagnosis of syphilis. The essence of the react ...

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Pollinator Manual


A manual pollinator is a portable device for disinfection (disinfestation) of small rooms, furniture, equipment, rodent burrows and the like. Hand sprayers are used to un ...

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Biceps Brachii Reflex


The biceps brachii reflex (r. musculi bicipitis brachii) is one of the most frequently studied tendon reflexes. It is caused by tapping the biceps brachii tendon in the e ...

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Stasis or Stasis is a medical term meaning the cessation of the flow of any fluid in the human body. This may be a stoppage of blood flow, lymph flow or other fluid in th ...

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Corneoretinal Potential


Corneoretinal potential (CRP) is a bioelectric potential recorded between the cornea and retina. It reflects the activity of the retina and optic nerve in response to lig ...

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Phagocytosis (Ingestion)


Phagocytosis is the process of capturing and digesting particles such as bacteria by immune system cells called phagocytes. Phagocytosis plays an important role in immuni ...

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