Axillary Line Middle

Middle axillary line: anatomical features and significance

The axillary line media, also known as linea axillaris media or axillary line media, is an anatomical line that runs along the medial axis of the axillary region of a person. It is an important reference point for surgeons who treat diseases of the axillary region, as well as for specialists in the field of medical diagnostics.

Anatomically, the middle axillary line runs along the upper border of the pectoralis major muscle and is a continuation of the edge of the scapula. It is located between the anterior axillary line (linea axillaris anterior) and the posterior axillary line (linea axillaris posterior).

The middle axillary line is of great importance for diagnosing diseases of the lymph nodes that are located in the axillary region. By palpating the underarm area, your healthcare professional may notice enlarged lymph nodes, which may indicate an infection, tumor, or other condition.

The midaxillary line is also of great importance for surgeons who remove tumors and lymph nodes in the axillary region. It is an important landmark for determining the boundaries of the resected tissue, which helps to avoid damage to the nerves and vessels passing through this area.

In conclusion, the midaxillary line is an important anatomical landmark for medical professionals who treat diseases of the axillary region. Knowing the location of this line allows for more accurate diagnosis and surgical treatment, resulting in a more effective and safe outcome for the patient.

The axillary line (linea axillaris media) is an anatomical structure that passes through the axilla and connects the medial border of the axilla with the medial border of the wing. It is a continuation of the axillary line, which is located on the anterior surface of the body.

The average axillary line has a length of about 8-10 cm and a width of about 2-3 cm. It consists of adipose tissue and connective tissue, which form a fibrous structure. The axillary line The middle line is an important landmark for surgeons and other medical professionals who work in the axillary region, as it helps identify the location of blood vessels, nerves, and other important anatomical structures.

In addition, the axillary line Middle plays an important role in maintaining body balance and stability when walking or running. It helps maintain correct body position and prevents possible injuries.

Overall, the axillary line Middle is an important anatomical structure that plays an important role in the human body. Knowledge of it can be useful for doctors and other medical professionals when performing operations, as well as for people involved in sports or physical activity to avoid possible injuries.