Fistula Gastrointestinal

Fistulas of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are pathological fistulas between the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and neighboring organs or anatomical cavities of the abdominal cavity. A potential threat to the health of every third person, but this phenomenon remains largely unknown to the Russian medical community, which does not allow doctors to have access to modern and relevant information on this topic. The concept of the term “fistula”, “gastrointestinal fistula” (GIF), their characteristics are found in various variations in the medical literature, in addition, this issue in our professional community causes a lot of discussion among surgeons. Currently, GMS is developing and covers almost the entire gastroenterological profile.

Gastrointestinal fistulas are formed as a result of the progression of infectious diseases, in most cases occurring after operations, as a complication of the underlying disease or as an accidental finding. The difficulty of diagnosing FSW lies in the fact that at the present stage many patient complaints are difficult to analyze in detail. The symptoms of a fistula have a number of nonspecific signs and are characteristic of a number of human conditions: intoxication, fever, frequent loose stools or elevated body temperature. The need for surgical correction of gastrointestinal tract in our country remains acute. Practicing emergency physicians, gastroenterologists, and gastroenterological surgeons are faced with the problem of people of working age who need emergency surgical care and subsequent rehabilitation. The success of surgical treatment is determined