Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4763

Test tube Chemical


Chemical test tube: Design, Application and Features A chemical test tube is one of the most common instruments in a chemical laboratory. It is used for conducting variou ...

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Arapova Kontaktura


Arapova contracture: what is it and how to treat it? Arab contracture is a disease that is characterized by limited mobility of the fingers and hands. This condition is c ...

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Pressure Band


A pressure streak is a 12-15 cm wide stripe on the skin that represents the imprint of a rail or wheel of a rail vehicle. The cause of such a stripe is the prolonged pres ...

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Asperger S Syndrome


Asperger's Syndrome Asperger's syndrome is a type of mental disorder that is characterized by social withdrawal, loss of interest in other people, a stilted and pedantic ...

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Chol-, Chole-, Cholo-


These prefixes indicate a connection with the word "bile". They are often used in medical terms related to bile and biliary tract. Chol- (chol-) comes from the Greek word ...

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Gastric Impression [Impressio Gastrica, Pna, Jna; Impressio Gastrica (Hepatis), Bna]


Gastric depression is a depression on the lower (visceral) surface of the left lobe of the liver, formed due to the adherence of the stomach. The stomach adjacent to the ...

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A nephrologist is a medical specialist trained in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of kidney disease. A nephrologist studies kidney function, diagnoses and treats ...

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Taphophobia: fear of funerals and burials Taphophobia is a pathological fear of funerals and burials. This disorder often manifests itself in people who experience fear o ...

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Genu Varus


Genu varum, also known as O-leg, is a condition in which a person's legs are curved inward in the shape of an O. This condition is also called "knees pointing inward" or ...

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Preissa Method


Preisa Method: History and Application The Preussa method is a method of staining biological specimens that was developed by a Hungarian bacteriologist named Gabor Preiss ...

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