Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4761



Epistome: what is it and what are its causes? Epistoma is a disease characterized by partial or complete blockage of the bronchi. An epistoma can also be called a bronchi ...

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Myxoglobulous Grains


Myxoglobulous Grains: What are they and how do they function? Myxoglobulous granules, also known as myxoglobulous spherules, are a type of secretory granules that can be ...

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Base (Tela)


The base is any thin tissue structure, in particular, the vascular base of the fourth ventricle of the brain (tela choroidea), which is a protrusion of the pia mater of t ...

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Coloring in Morphology


Staining is a method of identifying and identifying the structural elements of tissues and cells, based on the use of dyes. The essence of the method is that dyes selecti ...

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Foci of Automatism of the Heart Heterotopic


The focus of cardiac automatism is heterotopic: what is it and what are its consequences? Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. One of ...

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Hematocele: causes, symptoms and treatment Hematocele is a medical term that means bleeding into the soft tissue of the testicle. This condition can be caused by injury, ...

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Matskevich Symptom


Matskevich symptom: pain in the anterior thigh when bending the leg at the knee joint with the patient lying on his stomach Mackiewicz's symptom is one of many symptoms t ...

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Choreopaths (from chorea and Greek pathos - suffering, disease; synonym - kerera) - a group of diseases characterized by involuntary movements (hyperkinesis), impaired mu ...

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Phytohaemagglutinin (Pha)


Phytohaemagglutinin (Pha) is an alkaloid derived from plants that has the ability to stimulate the division of T lymphocytes in vitro. Phytohemagglutinin has been extensi ...

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Elbow Joint


The elbow joint (elbow) is a complex block-shaped joint formed by the articular surfaces of the epiphysis (lower and upper epiphyses) of the humerus and the bones of the ...

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