Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4766



Esthesiometry is a method for studying sensitivity based on measuring sensation thresholds. The word "esthesiometry" comes from the Greek words "aesthesio" ("sensation") ...

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Epidermolysis Bullous Congenital Belopapuloid


Epidermolysis Bullous Congenital Belopapuloid: features of the disease Epidermolysis bullosa congenita belopapuloid (EBVA) is a rare inherited disease that is characteriz ...

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Frozen Shoulder


Frozen shoulder is a chronic disease of the shoulder joint, which is characterized by pain and limited mobility of the joint. Main symptoms: Constant pain in the should ...

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Yactation Obsessive


Obsessive yactation: what is it and how to deal with it Obsessive yactation is an obsessive action that manifests itself in the form of rhythmic rocking or sudden movemen ...

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Mineral Waters Carbon Dioxide


Mineral waters are one of the most popular drinks in the world due to their unique properties and health benefits. One of the most famous types of mineral waters is carbo ...

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Slow Repolarization Phase


The slow repolarization phase is one of the phases of the cardiac cycle. It follows the phase of rapid repolarization and precedes diastole. During the slow repolarizatio ...

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Orderly Combat


"Combat Medic: An Important Role in Combat Operations" During combat, where people are at risk of injury and injury, prompt and effective medical care can save precious l ...

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Syndrome Catatonic Proskinetic


Catatonic Proskinetic syndrome: features and treatment Catatonic Proskinetic Syndrome (s. catatonicum proskineticum) is a rare mental disorder that is characterized by th ...

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Hoffmann's Rod


Hoffmann's bacillus is a microorganism discovered by the Austrian bacteriologist Georg Hoffmann-Wellenhof in 1884. This is a gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium that cause ...

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Aircraft-Laboratory in Aviation Medicine


A laboratory aircraft is a specially equipped aircraft that is used to study the performance of a pilot and the effects of flight on his physiological functions. Such air ...

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