Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4767

Exanthema Dysmenorrheic


Dysmenorrheal exanthema (e. dysmenorrhoicum; syn. e. menstrual) is a skin rash that occurs before or during menstruation. This rash usually appears on the skin of the abd ...

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Reberga Sample


Reberg Sample: History and Application The Rehberg test is a technique developed by Danish physiologist Rehberg in 1949 that is used to measure kidney function. This meth ...

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Pictogram: what is it and how is it used A pictogram is a graphic image that is used to convey information quickly and clearly. It is part of a pictogram system that is u ...

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Bradykinin: functions and role in the body Bradykinin is a naturally occurring polypeptide consisting of nine amino acids. This bioactive connective element performs impo ...

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Separator Dental


A dental separator (obsolete; synonym - teeth separator) is a tool that is used in dentistry to separate teeth during operations. Dental separators come in different type ...

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Agrammatism: understanding and treatment Agrammatism is a speech disorder associated with a violation of grammatical rules and language structure. It manifests itself in ...

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Photomicrograph (Photomicrograph)


A photomicrograph is an enlarged photograph of an object made using an optical or electron microscope. This method allows you to obtain images of objects that cannot be s ...

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Pylorostomy: what is it and how is it performed? Pylorostomy is a surgical procedure that is performed to treat pyloric stenosis, which is a bottleneck in the lower part ...

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Lymph Nodes Anal-Rectal


Lymph Nodes Anal-Rectal: Anatomy, Functions and Diseases Anorectal lymph nodes (JNA) are part of the pelvic lymphatic system. They are located around the anus and rectum ...

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Triploid is a term used to describe cells, tissues, or individuals that have three complete sets of chromosomes. Unlike haploid cells, which have only one set of chromoso ...

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