
Agrammatism: understanding and treatment

Agrammatism is a speech disorder associated with a violation of grammatical rules and language structure. It manifests itself in the fact that a person is unable to correctly use the grammatical forms of words, phrases, sentences and texts.

Agrammatism can be caused by a variety of causes, including brain injury, dementia, stroke, and neurological and psychiatric conditions. In some cases, agrammatism can be a symptom of other speech disorders such as dyslexia or dysgraphia.

To diagnose agrammatism, various tests are carried out to help determine violations in the use of grammatical forms. Typically, such tests include tasks on composing sentences and texts, as well as determining the correctness of grammatical forms.

Treatment for agrammatism depends on the cause of its occurrence. In some cases where it is caused by psychological problems, psychotherapy or medication may help. In other cases, when the cause is related to physical problems such as a brain injury or stroke, treatment may include physical rehabilitation and training to regain lost skills.

However, despite the fact that agrammatism can be caused by various reasons, its treatment should be comprehensive and include not only medical measures, but also teaching grammatical rules and training to improve speech.

Overall, agrammatism is a serious speech disorder that can significantly affect a person's quality of life. Therefore, it is important to seek help promptly and begin treatment.

Agrammatic disorder.

Agrammatism or dyspraxic agrammosis is often called a whole complex of cognitive disorders, which is mainly characteristic of lesions of the “silent zones” of the cerebral cortex. In medical practice, it has another name – “dyslexia”. Since the disorder is most typical for childhood and appears only in one hemisphere, for many years this disease remained poorly understood and incomprehensible to both doctors and patients themselves. Due to the lack of clear ideas about the causes of its appearance and developmental features, many experts considered childhood agrammatic dyslexis to be an individual disorder. It has now been clearly established that agrammatic disorder acts as a separate disease that can manifest itself not only in primary school students, but also in first-year students. Therefore, if a specialist discovers this pathology in a child, but the disorders are behavioral or neuropsychological in nature, you need to seek help from a speech therapist or neurologist