Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4770

Support bandage (Sling)


A support bandage (Sling) is a special device designed to support and provide rest to an injured limb. The main purpose of such a bandage is to immobilize the injured arm ...

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Frank Essential Thrombopenia


Frank essential thrombopenia (otherwise known as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) is a disease characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood and ...

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Coumarin (Soitapp)


Coumarin is a medicinal substance that is used to prevent blood clotting in the treatment of thrombophlebitis and pulmonary embolism. The main effect of coumarin is that ...

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Epiblepharon is an abnormal fold of skin present in a child from birth. It is located along the eye above the eyelashes along the upper edge of the eyelid or in front of ...

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Choroideremia: causes, symptoms and treatment Choroideremia is a rare hereditary eye disease that leads to progressive atrophy of the choroid. This condition can lead to ...

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Osten-Sakena Contracture


Osten-Sacken contracture is a pathological condition of the elbow joint, characterized by limited extension of the forearm. This disease is named after the Soviet trauma ...

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Bird Pox Virus


Fowlpox virus: causes, symptoms and treatment Fowlpox virus is a species of Avipoxvirus, which belongs to the poxvirus family. This virus is pathogenic only in birds and ...

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Pulmonary hemosiderosis Essential


Essential pulmonary hemosiderosis Essential pulmonary hemosiderosis (haemosiderosis pulmonum essentialis) is a rare lung disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the ...

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The drachma is a unit of measurement that was previously used in pharmacology and medicine. There were two main meanings of the drachma: Unit of weight. 1 drachma = 3.8 ...

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Prurigo Lymphatic


Lymphatic prurigo (p. lymphatica; synonym: dubreya lymphatic prurigo, lymphatic prurigo decalvanta) is a skin disease characterized by severe itching and peeling. Reasons ...

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