Support bandage (Sling)

A support bandage (Sling) is a special device designed to support and provide rest to an injured limb.

The main purpose of such a bandage is to immobilize the injured arm or leg so that the healing process is not accompanied by unnecessary physical stress on the injured area.

The most commonly used Support Bandage is a triangular piece of cloth that is tied in a knot behind the neck to support a broken arm. The arm bent at the elbow seems to “hang” in such a bandage, without resting on the forearm.

The support bandage provides immobilization of the limb and creates optimal conditions for the healing of bones, joints, muscles or ligaments. It is widely used for fractures, dislocations and other injuries of the arm or leg.

Supportive bandage (Sling) is a bandage designed to support and provide rest to an injured limb, so that the healing process is not interfered with by its physical activity. The most commonly used is a triangular bandage, tied in a knot behind the neck to support the weight of the broken arm. The arm bent at the elbow is supported with the help of such a bandage.

Injury dressings have become an essential tool for treating and maintaining injured body parts. Applying a sling helps reduce inflammation, allows the injured body part to rest, and protects it from further damage.

The triangular Sling support bandage is often used for shoulder injuries