Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4768

Reflex Pupillary Breathing


The pupillary respiratory reflex (r. pupillaris respiratorius; synonym ocular respiratory) is a reflex in which the diameter of the pupil changes in accordance with the p ...

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Leishmania Mexicana


Leishmania mexicana is a species of protozoan of the genus L., distributed in Mexico and Central America. The reservoir of infection is dogs and wild rodents. L. mexicana ...

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Appendages (Adnexa) are additional parts of internal organs that may be important for their function and health. The best known appendages are the uterine adnexa, which i ...

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Bebaru virus


Bebaru virus is a virus of the alpha virus genus belonging to the togavirus family. It belongs to the environmental group of arboviruses that are transmitted to humans th ...

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Hyperaldosteronism: causes, symptoms and treatment Hyperaldosteronism is a condition in which there is an excess of the hormone aldosterone in the body. Aldosterone is a ...

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Pyeloureterectasia is an expansion of the pyelocaliceal system of the kidney and ureter. The term consists of the following parts: Pielo- - refers to the calyces and pel ...

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Color Body


Color body: a visual model of the variety of colors Color is one of the most amazing and diverse phenomena in the world. It surrounds us everywhere and has a huge impact ...

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Venereology (Genitourinary Medicine)


Venereology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Venereology is closely related to urology and gynecology, si ...

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Intensimeter: measure voltage with precision An intensity meter is a device that is used to measure voltage in electrical circuits. The name intensimeter comes from the L ...

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Digestibility is the ability of food or nutrients to break down in the digestive tract into simple substances that are absorbed by the body. Digestion of food begins in t ...

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