Mineral Waters Carbon Dioxide

Mineral waters are one of the most popular drinks in the world due to their unique properties and health benefits. One of the most famous types of mineral waters is carbonated mineral waters, which contain carbonic anhydride (CO2) in an amount of at least 80 vol. %

Carbon dioxide mineral waters have a unique taste and aroma, which is due to their high CO2 content. This gas gives the water a special lightness and freshness, making it pleasant to drink. In addition, carbonated mineral waters have a number of beneficial properties due to their rich mineral composition.

One of the main advantages of carbonated mineral waters is their ability to improve digestion. CO2 contained in water stimulates the production of gastric juice, which promotes better absorption of food and prevents the occurrence of various gastric diseases.

In addition, carbon dioxide mineral waters have diuretic properties, helping to remove waste and toxins from the body. They also help improve blood circulation by increasing oxygen flow in the blood and improving metabolism.

Carbon dioxide mineral waters are also widely used in cosmetology due to their beneficial properties for the skin. They help improve blood circulation, moisturize the skin and promote its rejuvenation.

In conclusion, carbonated mineral waters are one of the most popular drinks in the world due to their unique properties and beneficial qualities. They help improve digestion, remove toxins from the body, improve blood circulation and rejuvenate the skin. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the taste and get the healing effects of this amazing drink.

**Mineral waters** are natural thermal waters that contain healthy minerals and gases. They come in carbon dioxide and without gas. Used to treat various diseases. The main advantages of carbonic waters are increasing the protective functions of the human body, improving appetite, and normalizing metabolic processes in the human body. To describe and analyze this topic