8 Ways to Tell Him You're Having a Baby

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  1. Gradually add the word “daddy” to your affectionate addresses. First "baby", then "daddy", and finally "daddy". When he asks why, answer: "Because you're going to be a daddy soon."

  2. Pretend to break up the relationship. Pack your suitcase and announce that you are leaving. When he asks why, answer: “I don’t want to ruin your life and will raise our child myself.”

  3. Create jealousy by leaving another man's belongings. When he asks whose it is, smile: “In a way... A stork flew to us and left a surprise.”

  4. Feign depression and answer questions with tears. After a few days, admit that you are expecting a child.

  5. Say you never wanted children because of genetics. When he gets upset, reassure him: “I was joking. We will have a wonderful baby.”

  6. Often say that you feel “sick.” Explain this to pregnancy.

  7. Sing him lullabies and play with toys. Explain that you are preparing for the arrival of your baby.

  8. Hint that your mothers already want to babysit their grandchildren. Tell him that you want to become a mother, like his mother.