Cause of Complications During Pregnancy

Cause of complications during pregnancy: partner's age

Pregnancy is an important period in a woman’s life when she should be especially attentive to her health and the health of her unborn child. At the same time, quite a lot of women face complications during pregnancy, which can lead to serious consequences for mother and child. In recent years, studies have shown that the age of the partner can be one of the reasons for complications in a woman during pregnancy, in particular, causing an increase in blood pressure.

Preeclampsia is one of the most dangerous complications that can occur during pregnancy. It affects approximately 7 percent of pregnant women and is a threat to both mother and baby. In particularly serious cases, it can lead to a seizure or even death.

Research conducted by American experts showed that when a man aged 35 to 44 years became the father of a child, the risk of preeclampsia in the mother increased by 24 percent. And if the father was over 45 years old, then, accordingly, by 80 percent compared to the situation when men were from 25 to 34 years old. The age of the mother was taken into account, as well as other factors that could affect the health of the mother and child.

Although little is known about the causes of high blood pressure in women during pregnancy, scientists suggest that one possible cause is damaged sperm due to genetic mutations, which becomes more likely as the father ages. This can lead to the conception of a sick child and various complications, including preeclampsia. The fact that this disease is associated with genetics is also indicated by the fact that its likelihood in a woman increases if her mother or grandmother had it.

However, studies have also shown that a woman's risk of preeclampsia increases by 25 percent if the child's father is a boy in the youngest age category, from 15 to 24 years old. The researchers find it difficult to explain this, but note that the men in this group were predominantly military and may have been exposed to chemical weapons, overheating or other factors that negatively affect sperm quality.

Overall, this study is another step forward in understanding the causes of preeclampsia and highlights the importance of various factors affecting the health of the expectant mother and child. It is important to understand that the age of the partner can have a significant impact on a woman's health during pregnancy. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you should take into account the age of the future father and discuss possible risks with your doctor.

Additionally, preeclampsia is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment and medical supervision. At the first signs, you should immediately seek medical help. Women can also reduce their risk of developing preeclampsia by taking care of their health, reducing stress, increasing physical activity, and following their doctor's recommendations for diet and taking essential vitamins and minerals.

In conclusion, the age of the partner can be a contributing factor to a woman's complications during pregnancy, including preeclampsia. Research into this issue is ongoing, and further research will help more accurately determine the risks and develop effective prevention and treatment measures. It is important to remember that the health of the expectant mother and child is the main task during pregnancy, and all measures must be taken to maintain it.