A- (A-, An-)

A- (A-, An-) is a prefix used in medicine and other scientific fields to indicate the absence of something. This prefix comes from the Greek "α-" (a-), which means "not", "without".

For example, the prefix “amastia” denotes the congenital absence of one or both mammary glands in women. This is a rare disease that may be caused by genetic disorders or other factors.

Another example is “amorphic,” which means “having no definite shape.” This can apply to various objects such as crystals, molecules and proteins.

There is also the term “atoxic”, which means “non-poisonous”. The term may be used in the context of chemicals, poisons and other hazardous substances.

In addition, the prefix "A-" can be used to indicate a negative value in test results. For example, “A-hepatitis” means the absence of antibodies to the hepatitis A virus in the blood.

There is also a similar prefix "An-", which also means "not", "without". For example, anaerobic means not requiring oxygen, and anemia is a lack of red blood cells in the body.

In conclusion, the prefixes "A-" and "An-" are widely used in scientific terms and medical terms to denote the absence of something or a negative meaning. These prefixes help clarify the meaning of the term and make it more precise and understandable for specialists in the relevant field.

Introduction *A* - (from the English "am-", prefix), in medical terminology, is a prefix that indicates the absence of any organ or part thereof. In particular, this may be due to the physical or psychological characteristics of a person. Typically used to describe specific diseases or conditions of the body. For example, A - may indicate a congenital malformation or the absence of a specific organ, which may require additional medical examination and treatment.

Examples of the use of the term* A* Some examples of the use of the term A: 1. Amafelia (acoulospermia) - absence of sperm in men (aspermia) 2. Aminopeptidase 2 (ASP - 2) - lack of enzymatic activity of the molecule responsible for the breakdown of peptides 3. Anencephaly (amincephaly ) - the formation of a head without a spine and brain 4. Amaurosis - congenital loss of vision, due to which the eyes appear blind 5. Anosmia (Amygdalin) - a change in the sense of taste due to the absence of lyses that could be removed due to exposure to chemical agents 6. Amastia - lack of lactation and the ability to breastfeed a child 7. Atavistic manifestations (cataract) - hereditary lack of transparency of the lens. 8. Asymmetry of the palate - violation of the correct relative position of the processes of the cerebral and tubular nerves, less often - slit-like or partial absence of the vomer (I pair of cranial nerves) 9. Atarsia (fistula) - concealment of a cavity or organ using a tube or flap after surgery intervention or injury to soft tissue. 10. Anonychia (Anonychia totalis) is the primary complete human nail plate which also includes the Gardner syndrome phenotype

Translated from Latin, the word "**an**" means "absence". Accordingly, the use of two "-**n**" indicates that the shortage occurs twice or that it is disabled twice. ***Examples:*** *Acetone induction is the loss of these chemical metabolites as a result of decarboxylation.* Congenital and acquired acetone induction are distinguished. Congenital ana

Adding the letter “a” at the beginning of a word or root signifies negation. Often the beginning of a word changes when a letter is added, so we read the word with this ending like this: a-an-. In some cases we replace one letter with another. When this happens, the word becomes different. Let's study all possible options for writing negation using the root and ending a-. A-less or a-nless An- is a contraction of "an" in English, which is used in the verb "to lack". OTV when you read a page on the Internet. This verb describes a situation where something is missing from a sentence. In other words, it expresses the absence, absence, or absence of an object or phenomenon. Example of anlation: * I have an eye for art. I have a talent for drawing.


A is a prefix in medicine (A-, An-).

A1 - as a designation for the absence, prolapse or incorrect position of an organ.

It is an almost unexplored area of ​​medicine. In the West, information on this topic is rare, but recently doctors are increasingly encountering this term. Therefore, it is possible that this is a matter of time - with each new era in medical practice, new terms and their definitions appear.

The most common form, designated **a1**, is formed from the words “anomaly” and “absence.” It would be quite logical then, having said “absence”, to pronounce the word without this prefix. But in this case this is not so: then all the terms listed below will look incorrect, but in brackets we see exactly the original term, expressed by a letter of the Latin alphabet. Obviously, this is some kind of nuance. However, it is completely unprovable. Everything is at the level of guesses and versions. This question remains a mystery for now.

There are a number of terms that use the letter A as an abbreviation. These could be the names of doctors, and no one has thought anything about it yet. In general, there is no clear explanation, **just a generally accepted rule**. It was first proposed by Dr. Evelyn Verblingo, a Swiss physician and researcher. And the idea itself is to use his native accent.

The idea of ​​using a1 to indicate the absence of a body part is quite intriguing and even a little scary. It raises many questions. After all, not everyone can freely explain why this happens. And how to treat such a phenomenon in science. On the one hand, this all sounds quite normal. Everyone agrees that there are parts of the body that are missing in different people - where they are missing or may be missing. This means that this logic of a certain convention is completely justified. Difficulties begin when this “absent” acquires its own designating meaning - a word that can be independently addressed and so on. The phenomenon has roots in