
Aprotinin is a medicine that is used to prevent blood clots from resolving. It works by blocking the action of the enzyme plasmin, which is responsible for fibrinolysis, the process that breaks down a blood clot formed during bleeding.

Aprotinin is given by injection and is used to treat severe bleeding from cancer. It can also be used in the treatment of fibrinolytic agents, which are also used to break up blood clots.

Trazylol is the trade name for aprotinin. It is produced in various forms and dosages, depending on the needs of the patient.

The use of aprotinin has several advantages. It can help stop heavy bleeding and prevent complications such as anemia and organ failure. Aprotinin may also be useful in treating some forms of cancer as it helps prevent new blood clots from forming and improve the patient's overall condition.

However, using aprotinin may have some risks. For example, it may cause allergic reactions and may interact with other medications, which may lead to unwanted side effects. Additionally, aprotinin may not be suitable for all patients and should only be used under medical supervision.

Overall, aprotinin is an important drug that can help prevent blood clots and stop severe bleeding from cancer and other diseases. However, its use should be carried out under the supervision of a physician and taking into account possible risks.

Aprotinin is a drug that is used to prevent blood clots from resolving, which may be useful in treating some forms of cancer and other diseases.

Aprotinin works by blocking the action of an enzyme called plasmin. Plasmin is responsible for the destruction of blood clots, but aprotinin blocks its action, thereby preventing the breakdown of the blood clot.

This medication is usually given by injection to stop heavy bleeding that may occur with some forms of cancer or with the use of fibrinolytic drugs.

Trazylol is the trade name for aprotinin, which is used in medical practice to treat various bleeding disorders.

Although aprotinin has its benefits, it may also have some side effects such as nausea, vomiting and headache. Therefore, before using this medicine, you should consult your doctor and follow all of his instructions.

Aprotinins are drugs used orally for the prevention and treatment of disorders of the blood coagulation system, such as thrombosis and bleeding in combination with fibrinlysis inhibitors. Administration of aprotinin after acute blood loss leads to a decrease in blood loss, dilation of blood vessels in organs and tissues, increased diuresis, and stimulation of reparative processes.