
Acidosis is a serious disease that occurs as a result of an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the body. It is characterized by an increased content of acids in body fluids and tissues.

Acid-base balance is one of the key mechanisms responsible for maintaining normal functioning of the body. Normal blood pH levels should be between 7.35 and 7.45. If the blood pH level drops below 7.35, then acidosis or acidosis is said to develop.

There are several types of acidosis, each caused by different causes. Gas acidosis is caused by the accumulation of excess carbon dioxide in the body. This can happen, for example, in drowning, when the lungs cannot perform their function of removing carbon dioxide.

Renal acidosis develops as a result of impaired renal function. The kidneys play an important role in regulating the acid-base balance in the body, so if they are disrupted, acidosis can occur. With renal acidosis, there is a low level of bicarbonates in the blood, as well as high concentrations of phosphoric and sulfuric acids.

People with diabetes often suffer from the acidosis characteristic of the disease, called diabetic acidosis. This occurs due to a lack of insulin, which is necessary for the body to use glucose as an energy source. This process produces ketones, which can accumulate in the blood and cause acidosis.

Symptoms of acidosis can vary depending on the type and cause. Common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, insomnia, fatigue, changes in state of consciousness and breathing. In some cases, acidosis can lead to complications such as organ failure and shock.

Treatment for acidosis depends on its cause. In case of gas acidosis, it is necessary to ensure sufficient ventilation of the lungs to accelerate the elimination of carbon dioxide. In case of renal acidosis, it is necessary to treat overexcitation of the kidneys and eliminate the cause of the dysfunction. To treat diabetic acidosis, it is necessary to restore insulin levels in the body and correct blood glucose levels.

Overall, acidosis is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment. It is important to seek medical help when symptoms occur to ensure that acidosis is diagnosed and treated promptly. Additionally, to prevent this disease, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, avoid stressful situations and exercise. Regular medical examinations will also help identify possible disorders in the body at an early stage.

Acidosis is a condition when the body fluids or tissues contain increased amounts of acid. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including kidney disease, diabetes, toxins, and many others. Let's look at the main types of acidosis and their causes in more detail.

Gas acidosis: develops as a result of accumulation in tissues and

Article on the topic "Acidosis"

Acidosis is a condition where the acidity of body fluids is increased, which can be caused by various reasons. One example of this would be a decrease in the pH (hydrogen value) of the blood, which is a measure of how acidic the blood is. Acidosis can occur in various forms and can have serious consequences for a person's health. In this article, we will look at what acidosis is, what forms it exists, and what measures can be taken to treat it.

What is acidosis? **Acidosis** is a violation of the acid-base balance of the body when the acidity level is shifted towards an increase. This may be due to insufficient buffering agents or excess amounts of acidic products such as acids, bases, urea, etc. Acidosis can cause damage to tissues and organs in the body, including the lungs, liver, kidneys, and brain.

The body's acid-base balance is regulated by the amount of buffer compounds in the blood, that is, hydrogen and bicarbonate ions. Buffer compounds are used to stabilize the pH of the blood and prevent changes in its level. For example, when pH decreases, the body uses carbonate to return it to normal levels. If the pH is higher than normal, the body releases carbohydrates such as glucose as an energy source to neutralize acids.

However, if these processes are disrupted due to a number of factors, the acid-precipitation mechanism may not work properly and the level of acidity in the body will increase. Acidosis conditions can manifest differently depending on the cause. They can be temporary or permanent, acute or chronic.

*Gaseous acidosis* occurs when excess carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood or tissues of the body, such as from drowning or suffocation. In this case, acidosis is caused by an increase in carbon dioxide.

_Renal acidosis*, on the contrary, occurs as a result of impaired functioning of the kidneys, which are unable to remove acids from the blood through urine. This occurs with kidney failure or long-term use of certain medications. In this case, plasma bicarbonate and phosphate levels decrease and sulfuric acid concentrations increase.

Ultimately, it should be noted that acidosis is a serious medical condition that can be life-threatening. Cases of gas acidosis oxygen starvation pose a particular danger. Therefore, it is extremely important to diagnose acidosis early and begin appropriate treatment as soon as possible.