A Brief Outline of the Ependymoma Tumor

As the incidence rate of ependomam increases with age, early detection of this disease is crucial in determining the overall outcome of treatment and survival rate for patients. While early detection may reduce cancer cell burden while treatment still see some cure rates, late detection is likely to increase both tumor bulk and burden, and decrease survival rates in some of these cases.

For this reason, prompt detection and intervention are embraced by the American Cancer Society (ACS) in developing and sustaining national programs addressing this very serious health problem, notably Pink Ribbons to Prevent Lung Disease and Stroke, and Ages for Life to achieve health, empower older adults and improve our nation’s health. These programs also aid in reducing disparities in access and opportunity in impacted communities resulting in better outcomes. Efforts undertaken by the toolkit leverages approaches, including, increasing awareness, engaging local advocates, engaging community partners, promoting healthy living, and promoting cancer surveillance into the age mix to inform clinicians and older individuals to ensure that these efforts afford a sustainable advantage.