Change in tooth color

Sometimes this happens from a change in the color of the enamel covering the teeth, so that plaque appears on the teeth, and sometimes plaque hardens into the roots of the teeth, so that it is difficult to remove. And sometimes this happens from bad matter that penetrates into the substance of the tooth, changes in it and spoils its color, turning it into smoky or something similar, although there is no plaque.

Treatment. In the first case, they are treated with means that give shine to teeth and cleanse them: sea foam with salt, grated cress, shell ash, reed root ash, round aristolochia, burnt barley, Andaranian salt, taken V equal parts. If you want, add more burnt snail shells. Or they take one part of burnt Santolin yarrow, one part of pepper, three parts of amom, two parts of sadaj, and ten burnt gypsum; everyone interprets and uses this. If the color has changed very much, then use verdigris with honey. One of the remedies that immediately whitens teeth is grated Chinese clay or glass or mashakunya powder with subazaj and diamond stone.

In the second case, they are treated with means that dissolve and dissolve matter and at the same time give shine to the teeth, such as pepper, mint, bush, round aristolochia and asafoetida, which are mixed with the cleansing substances mentioned above, as well as the powders that we talked about before paragraph.

Good powder. Aristolochia root one part, burnt deer antler two parts, mastic three parts, rose oil five parts. Grind and consume.

Another powder. Take pumice, hot salt, iris, four parts each, sati, five parts, sumbul, one part, pepper, six parts.

Another powder. They take three parts of salt, which has become like coal from calcination, three parts of sadajah, and one part of sumbul. And one more thing: shell ash, four parts, dried roses, five, satiety, three parts, fragrant rush inflorescences, one part.