One of the experts said: “The best bathhouse is the one that was built a long time ago, is vast in space and has soft water,” and another added: “And the one where the furnace is heated according to the nature of those who want to enter it.”
Know that the natural effect of a bath is heating with air or humidification with water. The first room in the bathhouse cools and moisturizes, the second warms and moisturizes, the third warms and dries. You should not pay attention to the words of those who say that water does not moisturize the main organs either when drinking or when in contact: this is not true, because from the bath, in addition to the action and change that we talked about, other changes occur as a side effect , and in essence. So, for example, a bathhouse sometimes cools with its air due to the large dissipation of innate heat, and also dries out the substance of organs due to the significant dissolution of innate moisture; sometimes the bath adds additional extraneous moisture. If the water in the bath is very hot, “goose bumps” appear and the pores narrow, so that the moisture does not reach the body at all and does not dissolve well.
The water in the bath sometimes warms and sometimes cools. Water warms with its heat if it is warm to the point of hotness; if it is colder than lukewarm water, it cools and moisturizes.
Water also cools during an enema, if it is cold, because it locks in the heat drawn from the air in the bath and collects it in the insides when it enters the body cold.
As for cooling, it occurs if you remain immersed in water for a long time, and water cools for two reasons: firstly, because water is cold by nature, and, in the end, it cools. Even if it is warmed by incidental heat, the latter is not stable, but passes away, and the natural effect of the water that the body absorbs remains, namely cooling. Secondly, water, whether hot or cold, is a wet substance; when it moisturizes excessively, it locks in the innate warmth due to the abundance of moisture, extinguishes it and produces cooling.
The bath also warms thanks to the dissolution. When any nutrient has not been digested or any cold juice has not ripened, the bath helps digest this nutrient and ripen the juice.
Sometimes they use a dry bath, and then it dries and helps those suffering from dropsy and loose constitution, and sometimes they use a wet bath, and then it moisturizes. Sometimes they sit in the bathhouse for a long time, and then it dries, causing the dissolution of juices and sweating, and sometimes they sit in it for a short time, and then it moisturizes, since the body absorbs moisture before it has time to sweat.
The bath is sometimes used on an empty stomach and with an almost empty stomach, and then it dries out greatly, exhausts and weakens, but sometimes it is used soon after saturation, and then it fattens the body, drawing matter to its outer covers. However, this causes blockages, because immature nutrients are drawn to the organs from the stomach and liver.
The bath is also used at the end of the first digestion, before emptying the stomach of chyme; it is beneficial and moderately fattening.
If someone uses a bath for hydration, as those suffering from thinness do, then they should sit immersed in water until their strength begins to weaken, and then rub themselves with fat in order to increase hydration, lock in the water that has penetrated into the pores and retain it under the skin. They should not prolong their stay in the bathhouse and should choose a place that is moderate in warmth and pour more water on the floor in the bathhouse so that a lot of steam is formed and the air becomes moist. They should go home from the bathhouse without effort or difficulty, moving on a stretcher arranged for them, and anoint themselves with cold incense when leaving.
Such patients should be left in the dressing room for a while until smooth breathing returns, and they should be given something moisturizing to drink, for example, barley water or donkey milk. Anyone who stays in the bathhouse for too long is in danger of fainting from overheating of the heart; At the same time, he first feels nauseated.
The bath, with many of its beneficial properties, has harmful sides. It facilitates the outpouring of excess into organs affected by weakness, makes the body sluggish, harms the nerves, dissolves innate warmth; it causes a decrease in appetite for food and weakens sexual power.
The bathhouse acquires various benefits from the water in it. If the water contains soda and sulfur, or it is sea, or ashes, or salty - naturally or artificially - after any of these substances have been boiled in it, or if, for example, larkspur, laurel berries have been boiled in it, sulfur and so on, then it dissolves and softens, eliminates
looseness and obesity, prevents the outpouring of matter to ulcers and helps people who have a “vein of medicine” in their body. Cuprous, ferruginous and salty waters also help against diseases caused by cold and damp nature, joint pain, gout, organ relaxation, asthma and kidney diseases. They enhance the healing of fractures and are beneficial for boils and ulcers. Cuprous waters are useful for the mouth, tongue and drooping eyelids, as well as leakage from the ears; Ferrous waters have benefits for the stomach and spleen. Salt water with bavrak is useful for the head’s tendency to accumulate bad juices and for the chest, if the chest is in the same condition. They help with stomach moistness and are useful for those suffering from dropsy and bloating.
As for alum and vitriol water, bathing in it helps with hemoptysis, as well as bleeding from the anus and during menstruation, rectal prolapse, causeless miscarriage, swelling and excessive sweating.
Sulfur water cleanses the nerves, soothes pain during tamad-duda and spasms, cleanses the outer surface of the body from acne and chronic bad ulcers, from ugly spots, freckles, baras and bahak. It dissolves the excess that flows to the joints, to the spleen and to the liver, and helps with hardening of the uterus, but it makes the stomach sluggish and the appetite decreases.
As for bituminous water, swimming in it causes hot flashes to the head, so the bather should not immerse his head in it. Such water has the inherent property of heating for a long time, especially the uterus, bladder and colon, but it is bad and heavy.
Anyone who wants to bathe in a bathhouse should bathe there slowly, calmly, carefully, entering the water gradually, not all at once. In the part about maintaining health, you will sometimes again come across information about the bath, the consideration of which must be added to what was considered earlier, as well as discussions about the use of cold water.
As for being in the sun, especially if you are in motion, and even more so when you move vigorously, for example, when walking and running quickly, it greatly dissolves excess, causes perspiration, eliminates bloating, relieves swelling with looseness and dropsy, helps for asthma and “standing” breathing, eliminates chronic cold headaches and strengthens the brain, whose nature is cold.
If it is not damp under a person and he sits on dry ground, then exposure to the sun helps with pain in the hip and kidneys, as well as pain from leprosy and “suffocation of the uterus” and cleanses the uterus.
If the body is exposed to the sun, the sun dries it, tans it and makes it hot. It seems to cauterize the mouths of the pores and prevent evaporation. When you stay under the rays of the sun in one place, it burns the skin more than when you are in motion, and it prevents evaporation more.
Sea sand dries out moisture on the surface of the skin more than any other sand. Sometimes they sit on it when it is hot, and sometimes they bury themselves in it, sometimes they sprinkle it little by little on the body. Sand dispels the pains and ailments mentioned in the section on the sun, and generally dries out the body greatly.
As for immersion in a substance like olive oil, it sometimes helps those suffering from fatigue and those suffering from prolonged cold fevers, whose fevers are accompanied by pain in the nerves of the joints, suffering from spasms, cusaz and urinary retention.
The oil should be heated outside the bath; If you boil a fox or a hyena in it, as we will describe later, then this is the best treatment for those suffering from joint pain and gout.
As for wetting the face and sprinkling it with water, this invigorates the strength weakened by heartache and the flame of fever, as well as by fainting, especially if sprinkled with rose water and vinegar; sometimes it improves and stimulates the appetite. Spraying is harmful for those suffering from catarrh and headaches.