Measures against chills, goose bumps and cold when they are excessive

If these phenomena follow perspiration, then the situation is quickly corrected and no measures are needed, and crisis chills should not be resisted by suppressing it, and it does not belong to the number of phenomena that weaken the patient. It is often calmed by stretching the limbs, lightly rubbing, heating the bedspreads and rubbing in dill and chamomile oil, if needed. And severe chills, whether due to fevers or other diseases, should be treated, if they last, by tightening the limbs in many places and rubbing in chamomile oil and iris rhizome oil; Some people enhance these medicines, for example, with cardamom, beaver stream, rue, tsitvarny wormwood, mint, bavrak, pepper, saliva. Sometimes after this they proceed to the use of mud cakes with mustard and asafoetida, and sometimes these medicines are boiled in water and then some oil is boiled in it. Indau juice is a strong remedy in this case by itself, alone, or with oil that is boiled in it; Basil decoction and its juice also work.

Description of good oil. Take dry dill, myrrh, rue, mint, pepper, saliva and boil in wine until soft. Then the strained juice is boiled in half the amount of sesame oil until the water runs out and no oil remains, and is used as a rub.

Among the strong oils against chills, for example, during four-day fever, are the oil of the bush, the oil of wormwood, the oil of yarrow santolinum, the oil of origami, the oil of myrrh; three dirhams of pepper and grated danak saliva gona are placed in one uqiya of oil. They also use wormwood, boiled in this oil, and olive oil, in which celery was boiled; It is very useful to sit in hot vegetable oil.

Medicines to drink are often needed, and chills often calm down if you drink something warm. water of distinct warmth or sit leaning over the steam from it. If the chills do not subside and the matter is too thick, then boil anise, mint, sel'srsm seed, mastic, indau, dill and the like in iodine, or fumigate with water in which, for example, they boiled wormwood, yarrow, mint, dill, aromatic rush, rue, marjoram, bush and naturally hot seeds. All strong diuretics calm chills.

Here is one of the medicines to calm the terrible chills during four-day fever and similar ones: drink bush - one bowl with hot water and agaric - the same amount with hot water. Agaric has beneficial properties; sometimes a little opium is added to it and it makes you sleepy, causes perspiration, suppresses severe chills and other manifestations of fever. Orris root in the amount of one bowl with hot water, or one bowl of juniper berries with hot water, or a bowl of mountain parsley with hot water also helps. Of the complex medicines, teryak of four potions, teryak of Ezra, kammuni, fudanadzhi, falafili and honey wine, in which, for example, rue, asafoetida, salivagon, and pepper were boiled, are useful.

Here are the tested pills. which are given to drink an hour before the chill, and the patient lies supine on the bed and the air in the room and the bedspreads are heated by fire; >gi pills moderate or suppress chills.

Description of them. They take mai. myrrh, opium, opopanax, pepper - one part each and knead in melted butter. Approximately bakima is given per dose.

They also take equal parts of opopanax, beaver stream, wild carrot seeds, asafstida, salivagon, opium and act in the same way as they did with the previous medicine.

Good recipe, Beruz opopanax, sagapsna, stinking ferula, ksrman cumin. seeds of mountain parsley, pepper - one and a half mithqal each, henbane seeds, saffron, aristolochia, beaver stream, furbiyun, myrrh, azhgon, ginger - two danaks each. Yesmyan harmala, salivagon - a miskal of each and kneaded with honey. Each time they drink *one bunduku with very hot iodine. Sometimes, when there is a chill, you have to give warmed wine to drink, give warmed medicines and dishes and induce relaxation, for example, with iyaraj, safarjali or tamri, and when the chill is debilitating and, especially, without fever, then they give you stinking pills - they cure it.