Vitality and internal energy of a person in bodybuilding and fitness.

So, you came to bodybuilding or fitness. Moreover, you didn’t come for a day or two, but were determined to do serious, long-term work for many years, and you want to build your unique, beautiful, muscular body... Did you know that the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our lives are constantly interact and overlap each other. And if you neglect at least one of them, then your entire body will fail. equilibrium! Since ancient times, our ancestors said: "In a healthy body healthy mind", and this is not easy. After all, only the balance and equilibrium of the three above components can lead us to success. Improve in all directions: physically, spiritually, and mentally, because all these directions actually go side by side...

Therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to your emotional state during the training process. Everything negative, all worries and worries should remain outside the gym gates...

Only with this approach to business will your negative thoughts and ideas qualitatively change along with your body. In fact, for many beginners this is a stumbling block. For such people, it is extremely important to change the rules of the game. After all, if you torment your body in the gym all day long, and at the same time your brain and soul are in a negative mood, you will definitely not be able to maximize your existing potential.

A well-planned program shows the right path for thoughts. The mental part of this program, just like the physical one, also consists of quite material exercises. It is important to work your mental and spiritual “muscles” in exactly the same way as your physical ones. I would like you to hear me: when speaking about spirituality, I first of all mean that very internal energy a person who confidently leads you forward and constantly inspires you, that is, in fact, the very vitality, whatever you mean by this concept. After all, you want to change your life? Or do you want to change only your body? Think about this, if you haven’t done this before... Remember: it is impossible to qualitatively change your body by changing your soul, thoughts and your entire lifestyle, as well as your own credo and life principles.

So, now you know how important your thoughts, feelings and internal energy are in the process of building your new body. Well, now let's dwell a little on the body. By practicing according to the methods of our site, you will find new previously unknown weaknesses in yourself and eliminate them.

You have probably already heard about the so-called kinetic chain - a closely interconnected sequence of muscle groups and joints, extending from your feet to the tips of your fingers. We will tell you about it in detail a little later, but for now I will only say that the kinetic chain is actually the source of most physical problems. Our high-intensity program includes 10 elementary tests with which you can test, analyze and evaluate your kinetic chain yourself. These test exercises can be performed by any person, not a professional athlete, completely regardless of his level of physical fitness and state of health. The proposed tests will help you find shortcomings that you didn’t even know existed. They will clearly show in which areas your body is strong and in which areas it is weakened or unbalanced. After passing this test, we will create a special adjustment program. The result of all this will be a properly functioning body. It is important to remember one of the main rules: You are only as strong and strong as your weakest link in the above kinetic chain...

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