The taste of basil

This is the first of the deaf snakes, and behind it comes the jarmana, and I don’t know whether it is the same snake or another. Some say that this snake was called the queen because it had a crown on its head. It is from two to three spans long, its head is very sharp, its eyes are red, its color is blackish and yellowish. She burns everything she crawls onto, and nothing grows around her hole. When a bird flies over its hole, it falls, and every animal, barely sensing it, runs, and if it is too close, it freezes and cannot move. This snake kills with its whistle at the distance of an arrow. The one on whom its gaze falls from afar dies, and it is incorrectly said that the one whose gaze falls on this snake dies. The one whom it stings, the body melts and swells, he bleeds pus and immediately dies, and every animal that approaches this dead man dies.

Rarely does anyone get rid of harm when in proximity to it, but sometimes, in some cases, it can be touched with a stick, although most often the one who touches it with a stick dies through the medium of the stick. Therefore, when one rider touched it with a spear, both the rider and his beast of burden died, and the snake bit the horse on the lip, and the horse also died along with the rider. These snakes abound in the lands of the Turks and in Libya.

They consist of seeing sudden death without any obvious cause, especially if it happened in a place famous for these snakes. There is absolutely no cure for this.