Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the endocrine system

The use of exercise therapy in complex therapy of patients with metabolic disorders based on the stimulating and trophic effect of physical exercise. Exercise therapy increases the regulatory influence of the nervous system and endocrine glands on tissue trophism, stimulates metabolism, improves the functional state of the body's main systems and increases its adaptation to physical activity in conditions of impaired metabolism.


Therapeutic exercise is used to stimulate intestinal and tissue metabolism, which promotes increasing glucose utilization, reducing body weight, improving the function of the cardiovascular system and respiratory systems, increasing overall physical performance, normalizing the emotional and mental sphere of the patient. It must be remembered that physical activity enhances the effect of insulin.

Exercise therapy complex for diabetes mellitus

Physical exercise is indicated for all forms of diabetes mellitus (DM), mostly mild to moderate. A complex of exercise therapy for diabetes mellitus is prescribed individually for each patient, taking into account the type, severity and duration of the disease, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases, the age and gender of the patient. Exercise therapy classes are carried out from the first days of treatment no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after insulin injection and food intake. Patients should carry sugar with them to prevent possible hypoglycemia. It is better to quench your thirst with alkaline mineral water. During the period of strict bed rest in the stage of decompensation, physical therapy is not carried out.

The main forms of exercise therapy for diabetes are morning hygienic exercises, therapeutic exercise procedures, dosed walking, training on a bicycle ergometer (for type 1 diabetes), applied sports exercises (swimming, rowing, skiing, skating), outdoor games, and occupational therapy. Physical therapy procedures for patients with diabetes should take a long time (40-80 minutes), but the intensity of the load should be medium to low. Physical activity is evenly distributed throughout the day. PH procedures include general strengthening exercises (RTE), breathing exercises, coordination exercises, relaxation exercises, exercises to strengthen the muscular corset, exercises with and on equipment, exercises for the feet. The specific selection of exercises and forms of exercise therapy is determined by the patient’s motor mode.

Immediately after the exercise therapy procedure, water procedures, general and local massage are performed.

Contraindications Diabetes in the stage of clinical-metabolic decompensation and exacerbation of somatic diseases accompanying diabetes are considered to be prescribed for physical therapy.


Exercise therapy complex for obesity prescribed to increase metabolic functions, reduce body weight, strengthen the torso muscles (especially the abdominal muscles), enhance the stability and resistance of the body to forceful physical activity. Therapeutic exercise is indicated for all variations and degrees of obesity, but is most effective for grades 1-2 of exogenous constitutional obesity, in the absence of severe disorders of the cardiovascular system and respiratory systems. They use OUU (30 min), therapeutic exercises (35-60 min), training on simulators (20-90 min), special strength exercises in the pool (30-60 min), walking (from 4 km to 10 km at a pace of 4 km /h), running at a moderate pace (15 min), swimming, rowing, skiing, cycling, outdoor and sports games (120 min), hiking. For greater productivity, various forms of exercise therapy are combined throughout the day and combined with a restrictive diet.

A feature of exercise therapy for obesity is using fairly heavy physical activity (taking into account the state of the cardiovascular system, age and exercise tolerance). The exercise therapy complex for obesity includes exercises and training for large muscle groups. Movements with large amplitude are performed at slow and medium speeds using projectiles at an exercise density of 70-75%. The intensity of the load can be increased to submaximal (increase in heart rate by 75%, and in case of III degree of obesity - by 50% of the initial value). After physical exercise, exercise therapy instructors recommend taking a cold shower. In patients with 4th degree obesity, only UGG and LH are used, taking into account concomitant diseases and complications.

General massage It is used for obesity every other day or 1-2 times a week, I combine it with local exposure procedures. Also recommended self-massage, increasing energy consumption.

During the treatment of obesity, you should not strive for radical, accelerated weight loss, since it is usually not sustainable. Only effective gradual weight loss, accompanied by adaptation of all body systems. The result of treatment is considered good if the weight loss is more than 15% of the initial weight, satisfactory - with a loss of 5 to 15%, and poor - with a loss of less than 5% of weight. Subsequently, strength physical exercises should be aimed at maintaining the achieved results.

Contraindications for exercise therapy for obesity are exacerbations of concomitant diseases. Exercising on exercise machines is contraindicated in case of obesity of the 4th degree, circulatory failure of the 2nd-3rd degree, exacerbation of calculous cholecystitis, blood pressure exceeding: 200/120 mm Hg. Art., and a pulse with a heart rate of 60 beats/min or less.

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